Welcome To The Rabbit Hole...


Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

Children twelve and under may suffer serious injuries or death due to asphyxiation from LTAO.

I tell it like it is. If you're offended by that or my ADD tendencies then you can- Oo! Look! A butterfly!

Paddy's Lament

If you like history, depression, and reading about emaciated, starving children, I recommend you read Part 1 of Paddy's Lament. Otherwise, suffice it to say that we should learn from the intense suffering of the Irish potato famine as it was a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust and the Great Depression. If you cry easily during chick flicks and puppy abuse commercials, I would recommend you instead read a summary of the events the book contains. If not, pick up the book and learn from the past. When tragedy strikes, turning away and saying "Shit Happens" is never a way to deal with things. That's one thing you can learn from this. That and compassion. 

  Ok, enough with the kodak moment. I'm going to go play poker. Have a nice day. Oh man, give me a name tag and a smiley face sticker and I could work for Walmart. By the way, who the heck came up with the name Walmart? I like Sam's Club better. 

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