Welcome To The Rabbit Hole...


Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

Children twelve and under may suffer serious injuries or death due to asphyxiation from LTAO.

I tell it like it is. If you're offended by that or my ADD tendencies then you can- Oo! Look! A butterfly!

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Welcome to Mad Hatter's Gray Matter! Look and see just how far down the Rabbit Hole you've fallen...

  This is a place for all the random crap that fills my head. Be warned, my head is a dark and dangerous place to visit, so I'll be your guide to my own Wonderland.

  And no, I am not obsessive about Alice in Wonderland, not yet anyway. I have yet to actually read the book in the first place. As a kid I always found the whole concept mildly disturbing. Another thing that bothered me was the spelling of the word 'gray.' I mean, what is up with that whole Grey/Gray thing? 

  So welcome to my Gray Matter and I won't blame you if this visit is your last, but should you return, remember, there is no spoon. 
  You see, I'm much more of a spork person. Argh! That admission is making me feel guilty for betraying my other poor silverware. 

  Sorry, I've just always wanted to make that Matrix reference. Ooooooooo... Question: Is it exorbitant for me to spend thirty dollars on a baby spoon for my nephew that comes in a velvet case? 'Cause I know its overkill, I just couldn't resist. Maybe I should rename this Confessions of a Shopaholic. 

  Anyways, so there you are! My first of many posts of psychotic ramblings interspersed with movie quotes. Stumble around and upon and enjoy!