Welcome To The Rabbit Hole...


Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

Children twelve and under may suffer serious injuries or death due to asphyxiation from LTAO.

I tell it like it is. If you're offended by that or my ADD tendencies then you can- Oo! Look! A butterfly!


Have you ever wondered about those questions that have a million answers? (8 billion in this case)

Is that question ironic? 

Is it weird that I am asking questions in a one sided conversation?

Is it weirder that I had a three way chat with myself? (View Pineapple Intervention, and don't worry... or do, cause that's normal)

What's black and white and red all over? 

 The End Of That Train of Thought (It just crashed and burned on a bridge in a combination of that scene from Anastasia and Unstoppable with a miraculous chitty chitty bang bang style vehicle emerging from the wreckage along with a group of mentally unstable men, women, and children who believe the car is alive and randomly burst into song)  

Pineapple Intervention

I have been craving pineapple for a while now, and even though I'm not a big fan of coconut, I am entirely addicted to pineapple/coconut smoothies. This calls for an intervention. 

(Conjures up inner Psychiatrist) 
Me: Whoa, dude, Your Mom must have rubbed off on you. Seriously, "Inner Psychiatrist"?

Me2: Well you obviously need me to deal with the signs of multiple personality disorder you are demonstrating.

Me: Dude, what happened to pineapple intervention?

Me2: I'm you in some perverse way so I like pineapple as much as you do, and it is unethical for me to council someone in a region where I cannot lead by example. 

Me: What about Mexico?

Me2: That was different, besides, ever heard of Doctor/Patient confidentiality? 

Me: I thought that was for the patient...

Me3: This is so going online.

Me: You swore! What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico! 

Me2: ...

Psych Out! Shawn and Gus from Psych After Prison

I admit it, I am guilty of writing on Psychfic (and allegedly on many other fanfic sites. Look up Bates). Here are Shawn and Gus in Behind These Walls. Yeah, it's crappy resolution. I took these pics on my phone, so... BTW, I don't own the rights to any of the random crap I post about (meaning tv shows and movies). Sorry to disappoint you...

Paddy's Lament

If you like history, depression, and reading about emaciated, starving children, I recommend you read Part 1 of Paddy's Lament. Otherwise, suffice it to say that we should learn from the intense suffering of the Irish potato famine as it was a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust and the Great Depression. If you cry easily during chick flicks and puppy abuse commercials, I would recommend you instead read a summary of the events the book contains. If not, pick up the book and learn from the past. When tragedy strikes, turning away and saying "Shit Happens" is never a way to deal with things. That's one thing you can learn from this. That and compassion. 

  Ok, enough with the kodak moment. I'm going to go play poker. Have a nice day. Oh man, give me a name tag and a smiley face sticker and I could work for Walmart. By the way, who the heck came up with the name Walmart? I like Sam's Club better. 

Corny Pick Up Lines Of The Ages

Would you like to get some drinks... Cause I LOVE hot chocolate.

I must be a treasure hunter cause I'm diggin your chest. 

Did it hurt? -What?- When you fell from heaven. 

Are you busy, cause I see your name on my To Do list.

Baby, I think I need a library card cause I'm checking you out. 

Baby if you were a book, you'd be fine print. 

You must be a light switch cause you turn me on!

 Do you have a map? cause Honey, I'm getting lost in your eyes. (Baby you have my permission to get lost anytime now.)

Girl, you gotta  be tired cause you been runnin through my mind all day.

Do you have a band aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you. (The only thing you hurt was my pride, thinking I'd fall for that one.)

If I said you had a great body would you hold it against me?

Do you believe in love at first sight? If not I could walk by again. 

Girl you must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet.

You must be a parking ticket cause you got fine written all over you. 

You're like crack... You get me high.

Be unique and different... Just say yes. 

I hope you know CPR cause you take my breath away. 

I've just moved you to the top of my to do list.

Do you know what would look good on you? me.

Quote of The Day

That's not a knife...
That's a knife!

look up Crocodile Dundee That's not a knife



  Ok, so what's up with laughter? Has anyone else noticed that people shake harder than a virgin at the thought of prom night when they laugh? Especially their big fat gluteus maximuses. And everyone's laughs are different. Some are really really really obnoxious, like listening to a cat die. Especially the monotone high pitched ones. I dare you to watch someone laying on their stomach and laughing. I swear its like they're having a seizure! Someone grab their tongue (not actually recommended for seizures but a hell of a way to shut someone up!)!  

I'm Puzzled...

Did Jigsaws or Jigsaw Puzzles come first? 

Does Shawn Spencer have better hair than Tony DiNozzo?

Would it be worse to lose four toes or two fingers?

Can you say Red Leather Yellow Leather ten times fast? 

Which is creepier, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory of Alice in Wonderland? 

Are beards or mustaches cooler?

Are shiny objects or loud noises more distracting?

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Welcome to Mad Hatter's Gray Matter! Look and see just how far down the Rabbit Hole you've fallen...

  This is a place for all the random crap that fills my head. Be warned, my head is a dark and dangerous place to visit, so I'll be your guide to my own Wonderland.

  And no, I am not obsessive about Alice in Wonderland, not yet anyway. I have yet to actually read the book in the first place. As a kid I always found the whole concept mildly disturbing. Another thing that bothered me was the spelling of the word 'gray.' I mean, what is up with that whole Grey/Gray thing? 

  So welcome to my Gray Matter and I won't blame you if this visit is your last, but should you return, remember, there is no spoon. 
  You see, I'm much more of a spork person. Argh! That admission is making me feel guilty for betraying my other poor silverware. 

  Sorry, I've just always wanted to make that Matrix reference. Ooooooooo... Question: Is it exorbitant for me to spend thirty dollars on a baby spoon for my nephew that comes in a velvet case? 'Cause I know its overkill, I just couldn't resist. Maybe I should rename this Confessions of a Shopaholic. 

  Anyways, so there you are! My first of many posts of psychotic ramblings interspersed with movie quotes. Stumble around and upon and enjoy!